1. 开始使用

Iris 具有用于路由的表达语法,感觉就像在家一样。路由算法是强大的,通过 muxie 来处理请求和比其替代品(httprouter、gin、echo) 更快地匹配路由。


新建一个空文件,命名为 example.go,然后打开它复制粘贴下面的代码。

package main

import "github.com/kataras/iris/v12"

func main() {
    app := iris.Default()

    app.Handle("GET", "/ping", func(ctx iris.Context) {
        ctx.JSON(iris.Map{"message": "pong"})

    // Listens and serves incoming http requests
    // on http://localhost:8080.

func myMiddleware(ctx iris.Context) {
    ctx.Application().Logger().Infof("Runs before %s", ctx.Path())

打开终端会话,执行下面的指令,然后再浏览器上访问 http://localhost:8000/ping

$ go run example.go

1.1. 展示更多(Show me more)


package main

import "github.com/kataras/iris/v12"

func main() {
    app := iris.New()
    // Load all templates from the "./views" folder
    // where extension is ".html" and parse them
    // using the standard `html/template` package.
    app.RegisterView(iris.HTML("./views", ".html"))

    // Method:    GET
    // Resource:  http://localhost:8080
    app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
        // Bind: {{.message}} with "Hello world!"
        ctx.ViewData("message", "Hello world!")
        // Render template file: ./views/hello.html

    // Method:    GET
    // Resource:  http://localhost:8080/user/42
    // Need to use a custom regexp instead?
    // Easy;
    // Just mark the parameter's type to 'string'
    // which accepts anything and make use of
    // its `regexp` macro function, i.e:
    // app.Get("/user/{id:string regexp(^[0-9]+$)}")
    app.Get("/user/{id:uint64}", func(ctx iris.Context) {
        userID, _ := ctx.Params().GetUint64("id")
        ctx.Writef("User ID: %d", userID)

    // Start the server using a network address.

html 文件:./views/hello.html

    <title>Hello Page</title>
    <h1>{{ .message }}</h1>

想要当你的代码发生改变时自动重启你的程序?安装 rizla 工具,执行 rizla main.go 来替代 go run main.go

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    No results matching ""